The Greater Wyoming Valley Area YMCA offers our members two locations to enjoy sport activities in our gymnasiums. Our Pittston location and Wilkes-Barre location both offer open gym time and schedules for specific activities.
Notice to Members
Effective Monday, September 21, 2020
Our Henry Gym is typically available for open gym outside of any reserved times listed on the calendar and during normal business hours. Our calendar is updated frequently so please check back often for changes.
To keep our children, players and staff as healthy and safe as possible we have additional requirements and procedures in place. Please be sure to stay informed as updates may occur at any time.
Our policies are in place to allow a schedule that includes member use so games such as pickleball and basketball can be enjoyed. Everyone’s cooperation is expected and appreciated so that we all can share and utilize this space.
Henry Gymnasium Policies
- Our Gym calendar reservations are for specific activities. To limit the mixing of populations, members must wait to enter the gym until the scheduled time of their chosen activity.
- To help keep surfaces clean we ask that players do not move child care equipment or enter any child care rooms/spaces.
- No food is allowed in the Henry Gym
- Shirts must be worn
- Proper footwear is expected. Non-marking court shoes must be worn on the gym floors
- Anyone found in violation the member code of conduct, these policies or bringing food into the gym will be asked to leave and may have their membership revoked.
Equipment: At this time the YMCA is not providing equipment for shared use. Members are encouraged to bring their own basketballs, pickleballs, paddles, etc.
Schedule: Please click on any activity listed in the calendar for additional details.
STAY IN THE KNOW: Text YGYMS to 84483 to receive Gym Alerts.
- Monday – Friday: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM Reserved for Child Care
- Monday: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM: Open Basketball
- Tuesday – Thursday: 6:00 PM – Close: Reserved Programming
- Friday: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM – Recreational Pickleball
- Saturday: 8:00 AM – Close – Reserved Programming
- Sunday: 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM – Open Gym*
* Middle Gym Reserved for Birthday Parties From 1 – 4 on Saturdays and 11 – 2 on Sundays Unless Otherwise Noted.
Notice to Members
Effective Monday, September 21, 2020
Our Gymnasium is typically available for open gym outside of any reserved times listed on the calendar and during normal business hours. Our calendar is updated frequently so please check back often for changes.
At this time Gymnasium is reserved for a variety of fitness classes, open play, pickleball and Child Care.
To keep our children, members, players and staff as healthy and safe as possible we have additional requirements and procedures in place. Please be sure to stay informed as updates may occur at any time.
Everyone’s cooperation is expected and appreciated so that we all can share and utilize this space.
For rentals contact: Abrianna Killino, Youth Sports Coordinator at: [email protected] or 570-931-3789
Gymnasium Policies
- Our Gym calendar reservations are for specific activities. To limit the mixing of populations, members must wait to enter the gym until the scheduled time of their chosen activity.
- To help keep surfaces clean we ask that players do not move child care equipment or enter any child care rooms/spaces.
- No food is allowed in the Gymnasium
- Shirts must be worn
- Proper footwear is expected. Non-marking court shoes must be worn on the gym floors
- Anyone found in violation the member code of conduct, these policies or bringing food into the gym will be asked to leave and may have their membership revoked.
Equipment: At this time the YMCA is not providing equipment for shared use. Members are encouraged to bring their own basketballs, pickleballs, paddles, etc.
Schedule: Please click on any activity listed in the calendar for additional details.