Private Swim Lessons

Private Swim Lessons

Looking for Private Swim Lessons that will fit your specific goals? Working with one of our Swim Lessons instructors one-on-one will ensure that your individual needs are met.

Our instructors are trained and certified to follow YMCA principles of safe swimming, along with incorporation of their own experiences as swimmers.

Private Swim Lessons will run the same dates as the current Group Swim Lessons session. Just like Group Swim Lessons, Private Swim Lessons must be re-registered for each new session.

Have a family member or a friend that would like to join in the lesson? Then you can turn your Private Swim Lesson into a Semi-Private Swim Lessons at an additional cost. Semi-Private Swim Lessons can only be registered for if the individual knows or is related to the Private Swim Lessons participant. Semi-Private Swim Lessons must be registered for in-person at the YMCA or by calling one of our membership staff. This is to ensure that individuals who do not know each other are not placed with one another.

Please be aware that we cannot guarantee a specific swim lessons instructor.

In the event that the YMCA closes due to weather, or the Aquatics department cancels a lesson, your YMCA account will be credited the amount of the missed lesson, which can be used on future YMCA programming. In the event that a lesson is missed due to participant’s sickness, a doctor’s note must be sent to the Director of Aquatics in order to qualify for a credit to be applied to your YMCA account. There will be no make-up swim lessons, regardless if they were cancelled or missed. All refund and credit requests can only be approved by the Director of Aquatics.

In the event that the participant must withdraw from the swim lesson, please see the applicable dates in order to receive a credit or refund.

  • Before the program start date: 100% credit or refund.
  • On or after the first day of the program: 75% credit or refund.
  • On or after the second day of a program: 0% credit or refund.


One-on-One Swim Lessons Wilkes-Barre

2/3/25 - 2/28/25

Looking for swim lessons that will fit your specific goals? Working with one of our instructors one-on-one or in small groups you select will ensure that your individual needs are met.

Our instructors are trained and certified to follow YMCA principles of safe swimming, along with incorporation of their own experiences as swimmers.

Private swim lessons: $35/lesson ($50/lesson nonmembers)

Semi-Private swim lessons: $25/lesson ($40/lesson nonmember)

Click the box “Please call to register with an instructor before payment”, below to fill out an aquatic inquiry form for private lessons!


Registration Information  

Open Close Register At Family MemberMemberNon-Member
12/4/24 12/5/25 Online / Front Desk $ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00

Available Sessions

02/03/25 - 02/28/25
Session is Full