The Greater Wyoming Valley Area wellness centers at Wilkes-Barre and Pittston include exercise machines, stretching areas, free weights and additional weight rooms with state-of-art equipment. You can achieve a complete workout blending flexibility, strength and endurance. From questions on using the exercise or weight machines to executing squats and lunges with correct form—our staff is ready to help. By appointment, a Wellness Staff members is available to help you get the most from your workout. And it’s free with membership!
- Children under age 12 are not allowed in the Wellness Center. Youth under age 16 may not enter the free weight area. Youth age 12-15 may workout with a parent/guardian on cardio equipment and weight selectorized machines.
- Be mindful of others. Allow others to perform a set while you are at rest.
- Use machines or benches for their primary purpose. Do not rest on machines between sets.
- Don’t drop heavy weights or dumbbells or “bang” weights. Spotters are recommended in the free weight area.
- Re-rack your weights. Always return equipment to the proper storage area when you are finished.
- Keep our Wellness Center clean. Wipe off machines and equipment after each use. Return used workout towels to a towel drop bin.
- Lock up gym bags, coats & personal items. Lockers prevent loss and create a clean culture.
- Proper and modest workout attire and clean shoes are required. Shirts must be worn. No open-toed shoes.
- Cell phone use is restricted to the lounge areas. Be courteous of others in the Wellness Center.
- Food & beverage use, other than water, is restricted to the lounge areas.
- Outside personal trainers are not permitted to train clients within the Y. The Y has personal trainers available on staff.
The following guidelines are in place for the safety of our members and staff. Individuals disregarding guidelines will be asked to leave.
- Members with unpaid fees will not be permitted entry
- Members are expected to clean equipment before and after use
- Towels will provided throughout the facility for easy access
- Towels MUST be placed in a YELLOW bag for laundry service
Please note even with guidelines in place, it is each individual’s responsibility to take care of their own health and safety needs and be respectful to the needs and concerns of others.